Protect your children from lice

Back to School means remembering that things like 🪳LICE🪳 exist in kids' school environments.​​​​​​​​
Our Root and Scalp Formula Shampoo is actually preventative against head lice. The essential oils used in the formula can protect your kids' hair and scalp from letting those nasties get comfortable. And while it's not a "no tears" formula, our formulations are 100% from nature and don't contain any of the damaging chemicals that most commercial brands do.​​​​​​​​
Also — if any of your children suffer from skin issues such as psoriasis or eczema, you can use the Root and Scalp Formula in the bath and let their skin soak in that, it will definitely help.​​​​​​​​
Have a great - lice free - school year friends! Remember, you and your children are worth safe, non-toxic, 100% from nature products that will nourish and support the health of your scalps and hair.